But, as we wait results of the latest biopsy, it is time to bring out the big guns!! Who has the funniest Wanda story?

Have you ever been parked on a freeway on-ramp in Utah in the wee-hours of the morning while a serial killer parked behind you and you tried to keep Wanda awake by recounting your favorite I Love Lucy re-run?
It's your turn! Every comment, every email brings positive energy and the best medicine: Laughter. We are counting on those long time friends, family and the Women of NAWIC to come up with some great stuff!
For those of you blog challenged, please feel free to
email them to jatoborg@yahoo.com for posting!
When Wanda (aka Vanda Vild) was Director we had a conference in Las Vegas. Wanda and I went to dinner with Joanne Blystone and Nancy (I believe). We had a wonderful dinner, great drinks............do you see where this going?.... lively conversation and too much fun. Afterwards, Wanda and I walked back to our hotel (right next door) which was the Mandalay Bay. Figuring we had enough libation for the nite, we headed for our rooms. Which, by chance, were on the same floor. If you've ever stayed at the Mandalay you will remember this: As you exit the elevator, you have numerous corridors to choose from. We each went on our merry way............ Shortly thereafter, however, we both ended up back at the elevators by the house phone. Neither one of us could remember where our rooms were, let alone the room number. But, we were both smart enough to call the operator and ask for "us", or at least our room. Luckily my roommate was in and she came and found me. Wanda....I'm not sure who came and found her. Great nite and even greater memories. We still laugh about that nite and, of course, blame it on that damn Joanne!
Mary Ellen (the Good One)
Eight years ago I was all dressed up for my senior prom (in a purple dress Missi helped me pick out), and Rae was there I was with my parents to see me, my boyfriend at the time, and my best friend and her super shy date off to the dance. As we walked to the car, Rae shouted a good bye, and then "Have safe sex!!!" I was mortified, as were the boys - but my (still) best friend just turned around and yelled back - "Don't worry, I didn't shave my legs!" By the way, Rae, everyone kept their prom finery on that night!
Oops..Hotel was the Monte Carlo - both start with a "M"
Well, I have a Wanda Rae Hair story...There are pictures, but I can't find them. I think they are hidden away in Riverside somewhere! The year was approximately 1975 before the days of relaxers and straighteners; Rae, Missi, Shelli and I were living together in Westminster, CO; it was a Saturday and Rae decided she wanted her hair "frosted" before we went out that night, so off we went to the drug store to buy a kit so I could do it for her. The process was different back then requiring that you put a cap on your head and reach through the holes with a small crochet hook and pull the hair through small holes in the cap in small strands. Seemed simple enough at the time. Pulling strands of Rae's hair through small holes with a tiny hook became a challenge that lead to the consumption of wine! We completely lost track of time and it took forever to get her hair strands through the cap so I could apply the peroxide to hi-lite it. The peroxide took forever to work, so we had some more wine while waiting for it to process...to make a long story short (oops!), we didn't go out that evening...we didn't get the result we expected since we didn't realize we should have had a "pattern" to get the effect she wanted and we left the peroxide on too long...well, you get the picture...we made another trip to the drug store!
Rae, we have years of memories and stories and I will attempt to share the ones that are "sharable"! Love you, my Sister, my Friend - Donna
Come on Donna............share the good stories, too.
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