Warriors! You have all been amazing with your warm wishes and thoughts! Wanda, Rich and Missi get comments that you add to this blog delivered right to their individual email and pour through more and more everyday. They mean to
everything during these days - and we cannot thank you enough!
But, as we wait results of the latest biopsy, it is time to bring out the big guns!! Who has the funniest Wanda story?

Have you ever seen what Wanda's hair will do on a September day in Michigan?

Have you ever been parked on a freeway on-ramp in Utah in the wee-hours of the morning while a serial killer parked behind you and you tried to keep Wanda awake by recounting your favorite I Love Lucy re-run?
It's your turn! Every comment, every email brings positive energy and the best medicine: Laughter. We are counting on those long time friends, family and the Women of NAWIC to come up with some great stuff!
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